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Venus Cycle session 22
2 hours each session at 18:00 hours, Mexico City time.
In the most important Project for Planetary Consciousness in these uncertain times. Now more than ever you have to participate in something that makes collective changes.
Receive the complete Venus Project package at just 999USD
If you want to buy individual sessions, please go to date you want to buy here below.
For the ancient as well as for the modern Toltecs, Venus is of utmost important. It was considered the star that divided the cycles of the day and night (tonal and nahual) the consciousness and the unconsciousness. Thus, Venus is the one who rules our existence which could be either one of a wise person, or one of a totally instinctive and emotional person trapped in his weaknesses. This planet was called Tlahuizalpantecuhtli in Nahuatl which could be literally translated as the high lord who grants passage to the lord in charge of bringing order into earth: the Sun. The way we perceive the sun and consequently the moon will depend on the reflection or the message we receive in our shadow, apart from our reflection of life
How does this affect us?
The conception we have from universe will be the same we have from ourselves. In the western culture this planet was called Venus, the Goddess of love and sexuality, the Roman representation of the Greek deity Aphrodite. So, what do Venus and Aphrodite have in common with their ancestors from other cultures which could be Egyptian, Mesopotamian or Sumerian?
The answer is that all of them were the rulers of love, sexuality, and vanity. In previous civilizations. they were represented by Isis, Nephthys, Ishtar, and Inanna; not only were they the rulers of love and sexuality but they also possessed the power of making war, had a lot of strength and were regarded as important as their masculine counterparts. Unfortunately, we can sadly see that when the most important goddess and the only one represented in the planetary system was defined, this marked the beginning of women’s degradation who are now considered inferior beings whose only role in life is either to be wives or concubines. Therefore, we can see that the degradation of the feminine gender that has occurred over the last thousand years did not start on Earth but in the celestial energy thus, being heaven the only place where it can be fixed. To think that this could take place below, in Earth, is out of the question since the world below is a result of the world above (thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven). Consequently, it was a disempowered Venus who created the illusion of a totally masculine sun (which was not always true) a previous belief which holds that God must be a man and the moon is an absolutely feminine essence, ruler of the feelings and emotions (something else that was not always true either), something that the Wise Toltec called the invisible trap of the moon. Sadly to mention, the feminine degradation spread out with a differentiation among races, minorities, plants and animals. This plan which initially started in Sumer became widespread with three main patriarchal religions which emerged from the masculinisation of the sun giving rise to the biggest and most complicated problems we are facing in our time such as inequality, racism, existential guilt, sexual dissatisfaction, the extinction of animal species and the seed of one of the biggest sufferings.
Why is the Venus or Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli project of utmost importance? Simply because what started in heaven can only be fixed from heaven and what originated on Earth can only be fixed on Earth. There is no better way to influence our unconscious beliefs than by entering the secrets of Venus’ orbit which forms a five-pointed star in the cosmos within the core of an apple. From here that this fruit has been included in the chronicles of paradise, or as the fruit that fell on Newton’s head, etc. Thus, Venus is a reflection of the sun, and the moon is a reflection of Venus. So the phrase “What Venus does in heaven will be done on Earth” is a mere ruse created by the collective shadow. The wise Toltec knew this perfectly well and that’s why on the very day of the New Fire , in Tula the Toltec capital, Venus positions exactly in the middle of the four male female warriors in their most important temple or pyramid. With this the Toltecs left a clear message: Everything lies in Venus’ power to integrate the duality of the masculine and the feminine whose main principle is based on the acceptance that the sun is not only made up of a75 % masculine energy but also of a 25% feminine energy. This fact is represented by the four types of fire in the Nahua culture where three of them are masculine and one is feminine. We must also acknowledge that the moon is 75% feminine but it has a 25 % masculine counterpart which provides us with the control of our dreams and the knowledge to move away from our instincts. Venus must be a dual force, as copper the metal it is represented with is, a mixture of gold and silver.
In order to exert some influence of the Toltec message of Venus’ power on Earth which will determine the collective conscious over the next 52 years, we need to follow Venus ‘orbital cycle to correct the message in the collective shadow the same as the groups who corrupted the original dual message did and which will finally allow us to balance the power and reduce segregation of gender, race and human supremacy over the rest of the world. The next alignment of Venus will take place on November 24th, 2026, New Fire, new dream, but it will be the dream of those who know about the best guarded secret of all
Something which lies only in the hands of Venus.
How can I be part of this? By following Venus’ orbital period for more than one cycle. Only a few people know that Venus disappears in its orbit for a full night each lunar cycle and this can coincide with either the waxing or the waning moons. The same as on the black moon, this is the only day we can access Venus’ shadow and change the influence it has on our shadow or our unconscious, and from our inside produce a resonance effect on our lineage; from our lineage to our community, our country and to The Earth to finally balance power. Each of these days coincides with specific points of the body of the Goddess or hybrid female warriors of the so-called Atlanteans.
These dates are fast approaching and they correspond to the waning moon which represents the creation of our shadow, our reflection, our energy and of course our life.
These dates are the following:
Three days after new moon, the beginning of the communication point between Venus and Mercury takes place when Venus re-establishes communication with Mercury, transmitting a new kind of message. The dual message of the Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli will be delivered to Painalli, or Mercury, who will give a different message to the sun based on the four fires:
1. The solar fire. A solar breeze whose expansion features will allow us to know the new identity of the sun.
2. The young fire. An expansive fire whose ambition will allow us to go far beyond the limits, destroying and burning, characteristics that can be used to fulfil the ambition of a spiritual being.
3. The wise fire. The one able to control the other two masculine fires leading them to wisdom.
4. The feminine fire. Chantico, represented in The Egyptian culture by Sekhmet, the lioness, laying the basis for the conception of the Il Ipalmenohua or Great Energy, Father and Mother: the creating force that will restore the cosmic order in our system.
Two days after the new moon starts waning. These two days correspond to our perception centre when a new perception of the sun and Venus will be sent to our shadow and our unconscious together with a totally new perception of the moon in its feminine majority that will find its masculine part allowing the latter to take control of our dreams (our destiny) and of our instincts and emotions. We will also be creating the perception and mental waves of the Ancient Toltecs recorded in the Atlanteans, with their dual nature, enabling us to use both cerebral hemispheres indistinctively, thus, giving us access to information from stones and monuments to change our perception (totally dual) and bringing down the illusion of a masculine sun and a feminine Venus and moon, corresponding to the previous sun-- something that can only be accomplished from an integrated brain.
The first two sessions will be totally free for different groups.
Only those who registered either with the follow-up promotion of the full cycle or those who have already paid the first two sessions will be able to take the full training.
The great kick off of Venus’ Project
Two days after the waxing crescent, will the exact moment to begin creating the vibration of the Atlanteans o Tlahizcalpantecuhtl take place, that is, they will be ready to fight and destroy the archetypes of a masculine sun, a feminine moon and a disempowered Venus ,with the weapon they are holding under their left arm , by self-sacrificing these aspects in us. Then, all women will be destroying these aspects in them and through them they will eliminate these same aspects in the rest of all women. Likewise, men should do the same with men who are hurt, doomed due to the lack of emotions, or because they make war or provide. Moreover, we will restore the power of guidance and leadership to the left arm. Symbolically, we will put a left arm with a cane of command on the Venus de Milo to start leading and commanding from the feminine masculine power in balance.
Thus, we will continue following-up the whole cycle of Venus over the next 20 dates with its disappearances in the night sky to open to a new destiny.
This session is considered to be one of the most powerful and importantones. When undergoing this teaching, the student should be able to workwith the Copilli or the Tlahizcalpantecuhtli´s helmet. To be able to replace the flint´s within the crown that we humans and Venus have, such as lack of honesty, surrendering to pleasures, loss of purpose, addiction to suffering, gender inequality. The objective would be to create a new crown, one which we can anchor up into the mountains and the earth in order to be spread everywhere.
Here we will finally convert into the offering of all of the self-forces. Living representations of the Venus / Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, doing the necessary combined spells to give life to an unanimated object such as stone, bones, blood, etc. This technique will completely allow us to have a full perception that we will pass through vibrations into shadows and matter as well. When we achieve these results finally our own life starts making complete sense.
In its exact conjunction with the sun, in this day we can definitely reprogram the image of a dual sun of the ancient Toltecs, a dual Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli and also a dual moon that will transmit to the actual archetypes of the Sun, Venus, and the Moon so that it can be implanted on every person and transmitted through light, shadow, reflection and energy.
When Venus reappears as the morning star, it is the day to create a new reflection of Mercury as Painalli the messenger, the Moon and Meztli, Mars (within the western culture is masculine and warrior) as Xipe Cipactli (the planet of wisdom and Shedding)
Jupiter as Tezcaztlipoca (on its face in which it gives you all, but with a great feminine part) and Saturn as Yaotl (also part of Tezcatlipoca) in order to balance the planetarium collective unconscious.
On it’s reappearance as a morning star, the ancient Venus archetype will loose it’s thorns crown about the creative’s forces nature, gender, people and race’s inferiority and also about God’s own gender. Here you will be able to start spreading the message in groups, close women, men, starting the unavoidable fall of all previous structures. The strength of Virgo with the power of Ishtar will be remembered to give life without the masculine force, and it’s this concept ascending with what we will permeate Jupiter, and woman’s ascension together with Pleyades and Jupiter is inevitable.
Next date. Still with Aquarius regency in the creation of a new way of thinking. As pioneers that unique day we will create shadow, mater, a reflection of the complete solar system just like the most adequate goddesses creating with this an erasure in the Milky Way or Mixcoatl, Quetzalcoatl’s father. The moral, cosmic and emotional impact on the last 500 years previous on Earth will start healing the collective.
To attain critical mass at least one member of each family must participate in the upcoming years in something similar.
Are you fulfilling your labor in Cuahutemoc’s consignment?
Pass this on from teacher to student, parents to children.
Under pisces reign lies about it’s own reign will fall, those that include hiding knowledge and other civilizations. Religions that have been modified in order to favor an specific group, extraterrestrial life, and the dreaming abilities as mean of information of the ancient, that will be installed on the new living Quetzalcóatl’s. Finally the direct source that removes infinite control will be handed back to the brave.
Under the reign of Pisces will fall the lies of the Piscean age including withholding knowledge, other civilizations, religions that have been edited in favor of one group, the alien world, and the informational dreaming abilities of the ancients will be installed in the new living Quequetzalcoah. At last the direct source that takes away infinite control will be returned to the brave.
Information coming soon
Information coming soon
Information coming soon
Information coming soon
Information coming soon
Information coming soon
Information coming soon
Information coming soon
Whoever understands these words, no matter if you are a man, woman, plant or from any minority, and decides not to participate would be deliberately taking away the meaning of SPIRITUAL WARRIOR.
Prepayment for all sessions $ 999. With access for the duration of the course.
Information: [email protected]