“We are what we dream, the collective path starts with individual change”
Sergio Magaña.
with incredible testimonies. In 2010, he began his career as an international author with the No. 1 Best Seller Transforming through 2012, in which he was co-author with such important figures as Jean Houston, Bruce Lipton, Elizabeth Jenkins, etc.
Through Elizabeth Jenkins, he learned about the Andean tradition, which he practiced for many years with great mystics and which led him to learn basic vocabulary of the Quechua language.
In 2009, a radical change came to his life when Hugo Nahui, his teacher in the Mexican tradition, discovered him through the radio and recognized in him the bearer of the word of his lineage of knowledge of this Tradition and gave him the task of taking it to the world. Hugo introduced him to Xolotl, guardian of the Mexica and Toltec tradition and one of the most important Nahuatl linguists with whom he began to study Nahuatl etymology, dividing the words with the objective of finding their spiritual power.
In 2011 he wrote his first individual book under the Italian publisher Amrita: “Dawn of the Sixth Sun” which was reviewed by such prestigious people as Ervin Lazló, nominated for the Nobel Prize, Daniel Pinchbek, Sandra Ingerman, which was very successful in Italy and the world, for which he also learned to speak Italian and was named by the Italian press “The new Castaneda”.
In 2013 he published with Hay House, the international best seller The Toltec Secret which was translated into 9 languages and which led him to have countless international tours teaching the ancient knowledge of Lucid Dreaming in countries such as the United States, England, Canada, Sweden, Holland, Germany, Italy, Turkey.
In 2015 he published his next book Caves of Power also with Hay House, where healing and rejuvenation techniques are addressed.
It was in 2020, when seeing the accuracy of the predictions in his first book on events that would happen to humanity based on the Aztec calendar, that he wrote the book Ancient Toltec Prophecies with which he reached number 1 in 8 countries in various Amazon categories.
During all this time he made countless international tours bringing Mexican ancestral knowledge and speaking in very important places such as the Royal Geographical Society, Torino Spiritualitá, University of Kent, etc… managing in all that time to gather a community of thousands of students distributed throughout the world. As a consequence of his exposure to so many ancient languages and mythologies, he realized that the names of many deities of the ancient world are actually a combination of sound and chemical formulas that have the ability to awaken latent DNA, being a path to the repair of our body and amazing rejuvenation, perceiving the truth behind the phrase: “In the beginning was the word”, which returns to sound its power as the main creative force, for which he completely withdraws from all professional activity to investigate the secret codes in languages and numbers, giving rise to Polarean, a project named in honor of the first race that inhabited the earth, which are said to have been guided by sounds, a project that consists of supplements based on chemical formulas included in the names of deities. She is currently awaiting the publication of her book: “The Toltec Legacy”, which addresses the ancestral technique of healing through the obsidian mirror as a method to change the unconscious and the power of the reflection of different mirrors, in addition to ancestral techniques to work on Dreams and the body through Quin’s postures, which will go on sale next year by the hand of the famous international actress Michelle Rodriguez with whom she has also written 3 books of a saga of entertainment and spiritual knowledge called:
Metztli or Toni – Artificial or Spiritual Intelligence. Which side are you on?
Metzli or Toni – On the Net.
Metztli or Toni – Trapped by the algorithm.
Who were the Toltecs?
For such important mystics as Rudolf Steiner, the Toltecs were the race immediately after the Atlanteans, even before the Sumerians and Semites. What is the reason for this statement? The knowledge that has remained hidden for so long and perfectly captured in the so-called Atlanteans of Tula.
This secret is the landing of the Xiurides, Martha, Maria and Margot in Mexico in the place that was later called Tolimak, which corresponds to the lineage of knowledge of one of my teachers Xolotl, the Tol lineage of Nahualism, which has been transmitted in oral tradition for 1475 years from teacher to students in a secret and now public manner.
This lineage marks the first unaided conception of man, precursor of Isis and of all virgin birth. The birth of the first Iezu, conceived without the help of man, who represents the Sun is revealed in Aztec mythology as Huitziliopochtli, simultaneous birth to that of a twin sister Malinalli, who founded the most important school of knowledge of Anahuac, that of the warriors Coyote, Eagle, Snake and Jaguar in Malinalco, of which her representative phrase: “From my mouth comes life or death”, preserved in mythology, refers to the sonic matrix of creation.
Thus, the original Toltecs were the first civilizers who gave rise to the knowledge of Mesoamerica and the culture that Anthropology officially recognizes as Toltecs are actually groups that followed some of these teachings and several centuries later built their temples on what they found of this first civilization that is a pillar of knowledge for all Mesoamerican cultures and many of the world.