The Virgin of Guadalupe, the greatest emblem of America and a figure that attracts the largest pilgrimage worldwide each year, represents a topic that has been debated due to the various existing versions:
The Official version, as the appearance of the Dark Virgin to Juan Diego, who went and spoke to the Bishop Fray Juan de Zumárraga about this manifestation, presenting the famous image’s tilma as evidence.
The second version, an invention brought by the conquerors and Zumárraga himself with the purpose of evangelizing the ancient inhabitants.
The third, less known and perhaps the most controversial, presents Juan Diego as the Eagle Warrior Cuauhtonal or Cipactli, who encoded all the ancient Mesoamerican knowledge in this Codex to preserve it and allow the resurgence of the sacred feminine knowledge of Anáhuac in these times.
Reasons to believe this include the location of the apparition, right at the ancient temple dedicated to Aztec female deities. The current Basilica was once a water mirror in honor of the goddess Atlantonal. The place where the First Basilica was built was the small Tepeyac mountain, nose mountain, where representations in stone of 3 Goddesses Cihuacoatl, Xilonen, and Chicome Coatl were, and the space for the fourth, which was the energy of Tonantzin, Mother Earth. Hence, it is now a tradition in Mexico for people to recognize her as Tonantzin-Guadalupe. However, this is a limited version, as besides Tonantzin, there are 259 more Goddesses.
What is truly astonishing is what is hidden behind and what has been the subject of many myths and books, but never with complete original information. In reality, the ancient Mexican Ceremonial Calendar was represented by 20 trecenas, giving us 260 days. The Virgin has 260 rays, an image taken from the Virgin of Extremadura, Spain, and made dark by the most important painter or tlacuilo of the time. Cuauhtonal or Juan Diego directed him to capture all the hidden knowledge there, such as unknown facts, for instance, that a star from the Draco constellation is represented on the right shoulder as the Pole Star, just like in the Vedas. This speaks of the same antiquity of information, appearing on the right shoulder of the mantle, not corresponding to the day of its supposed appearance but to nearly lost knowledge about humanity and its cycles. This configuration marked the beginning of the patriarchy we live in.
Guadalupe represents Mother Earth with its inclination to the right of the magnetic axis, and the 260 rays of light represent 260 Goddesses, guardians of each day. From these comes the other sacred number, 52, representing the years between each New Fire, based on the observation of the cycle between Orion and the Pleiades. This inspired the Gregorian Calendar’s count of 52 weeks of 7 days, as well as the traditional decks of 13 figures of each type, as 13 corresponds to the number of the Sun. Hence, in ancient traditions, there were always 12 apostles and the thirteenth Jesus, 12 knights and the thirteenth Arthur. All these representations correspond to Solar Masculine hermetic knowledge.
But now, for the first time, the equivalent of the 13 Goddesses of the North, 13 Goddesses of the South, 13 Goddesses of the West, and 13 Goddesses of the East will be revealed. This unveils the true dual spirituality of the Ancients, based on Ipalnemohua, Great Father and Mother Energy, revealing who these Goddesses are, showing their Codex, names, and conducting practices with the 20 main ones, ranging from chants for some, shadow work for others, to using the Codex and their image for universal purposes such as transformation, healing, lucid dreaming, abundance, and personal relationships.
This information is so valuable, so hidden, and also so universal that, for example, one of these Goddesses, Malinalli, corresponds to the central star of Orion’s Belt, Alinam. It would be the navel or umbilical cord of the Cosmic Mother for all. It is no coincidence that both Egyptians and Teotihuacans aligned their pyramids towards this belt, considering it the passage to Heaven. This goddess’s jaw symbolizes life and death, that is, the power of speech and sound.
So, you can’t miss, for the first and perhaps only time, The Guadalupe Codex, The Return of the Divine Feminine.
- 1 Section
- 1 Lesson
- 60 Days