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[checkout_for_paypal item_description="BLACK OBSIDIAN PENDULUM Shipping to Europe or South America" amount="70" no_shipping="1"]


Huitzilopochtli´s twin sister, who posessed metamorphosis powers. Abandoned in Malinalco, she founded a warriors lineage and promised to come back to heal, revealing the words and the chemistry powers.

A mirror based on elements of Orion’s belt, it allows healing and rejuvenation, acting with infra and ultrasounds

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Price included shipping.

We handle other measures.

Costs are just by mirror and shipping.

Does not include customs costs, nor customs taxes.

26 X 26 cms, with a pine wood frame, resulting in 28 X 28 cms (measure of fhe night and the moon)

53 X 53 cms, with a pine wood frame, resulting in 60 X 60 cms, (cosmic measure of night and time)

44 X 52 cms. with a pine wood frame, resulting in 52 X 60 cms (measure of fhe stair way to heaven)

If when paying you do not find where to put your shipping address, send an email to [email protected] with your purchase ID and shipping address.