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Pilgrimages and Retreats

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Pilgrimages and Retreats

On March 11, the Aztec New Year 12 Flint will be celebrated, with the number 13 representing wisdom. Therefore, to achieve a return to the wisdom of the stones, represented by flints and the earth, the event will take place at the perfect moment.

Since my last experience with the Popol Vuh, an entire year has passed, marked by 11 Reed, truly extraordinary as 11 symbolizes the return of power. This power, however, only comes with knowledge to access wisdom. As a result, the new Popol Vuh experience will be completely different from the previous one, containing the richest information year I have ever lived.

The previous experience of undertaking the Popol Vuh journey led me to relate the term "PO, PO" to the term "Popocatepetl," the Po River. This river signifies the beginning of the Mexica Underworld, featuring two rivers, the North Star, Pollux and Castor (twin stars of Gemini), where one represents light and the other an animal on earth. The significance of volcanoes and the Basalt stones they emit, river stones from which RNA emerged, ties this knowledge together in the Grand Book of Maya Creation, the Popol Vuh. Adding to this, "Hu" is the Egyptian god represented by two reflecting serpents. By uniting both traditions, one discovers the true meaning of the Chac Mool.

Therefore, this journey will be very different from any undertaken before. I will start by sending instructions on certain numbers that you need to calculate to determine your "Po," equivalent to the Egyptian "Ka." These, combined, represent your Carbon and Phosphorus numbers, signifying wisdom on earth. Additionally, I will provide videos with previous explanations of the Popol Vuh so that when we arrive, we are fully prepared to live the epic that will not only change us but also activate the temples in the true way they were used to attain the return of Kukulcan or Quetzalcoatl.

DAY 1: MARCH 14.

We will arrive at the Seven-Colored Lagoon, hearing the Popol Vuh creation story about humans and the four types of corn. We will understand the prophetic nature of this text, realizing that we are in the third type of humanity. Moving on to the second part of the Hunab Pu and Ixbalanqué expedition, we will explore it from both a human perspective and the chemical and biological perspective of this sacred text. We will descend the cliff of the talking trees, cleansing our ears literally in the lagoon and expelling all destructive sounds accumulated by language within us. This will help us understand the relationship of joints with the four directions on our fingers and identify the challenges faced by the twins Hunab Pu and Ixbalanque: creating internal light, sacrificing those willing to be sacrificed, except for one, giving to the tigers what is dead, and seeing the world upside down.

DAY 2: MARCH 15.

We will travel to the archaeological site of Muyil to understand the difference between small and tall Mayan cities. Additionally, we will begin to comprehend the importance of moving the 13 main and 52 total cosmic joints to navigate our lives. We will explore paradise and, in the end, learn the art of reflections in the lagoon.

DAY 3: MARCH 16.

We will visit the beautiful archaeological site of Tulum, delving into the first part of the Popol Vuh, the creation that started in complete darkness and water. There, we will encounter the three creators: Ray, Shadow of the Ray, and Reflection of the Ray, corresponding to two stars and a planet, which remain undeciphered. We will understand that they exist within us in our nervous system. We will begin to learn the art of moving the body in the famous Chac Mool posture to activate the Ray, Shadow of the Ray, and Lightning within. Subsequently, we will unite with the Hurricane, representing two stars and winds (cold and hot), creating movement leading to rain—symbolizing the correct flow of things in our lives and our blood.

DAY 4: MARCH 17.

We will experience the marvelous play of Light and Shadow in Cachabon, observing the two pyramids representing the Temple of the Twins Hunab Pu and Ixbalanque—You and your shadow, light and darkness. Advanced lucid dreaming lessons will begin, revealing the world of iridescence where the Gods reside.

DAY 5: MARCH 18.

Early in the morning, we will depart from Bacalar to Valladolid to change hotels. We will then head to Yauxchapan, near Chichen Itzá, where we will learn to separate the dead from the living, pure water from contaminated, and sweep our path on the Ball Game court, representing the collapse of our soul or karma associated with Carbon. We will create new Carbon in the observatory based on the Venus or Kukulcan Count.

DAY 6: MARCH 19.

We will go to Mayapan, and during the Equinox, we will learn the truth about the Descending God Yam, where "Maya" comes from "Iyam," the God of Water. We will also explore the Ascending God, Kukulcan, being the only beings on Earth with the opportunity to unite them.

DAY 7: MARCH 20.

After practicing the art of Reflections in the hotel pool, we will head to a Cenote to experience the Rebirth of Hunab Pu and Ixbalanque as a new sun and moon. Based on the teachings received, we will become a new tonal and nahual, Sun and Moon, creating a new world and reflecting it to the entire world.

End of the epic with the intention to live and resolve the epic of life.

This journey includes teachings on rejuvenation, healing, etc., that humanity has been seeking forever.

Unique opportunity.

March 14 to 20.


4 or 5-star hotels in Bacalar and Valladolid.

Breakfast and Box Lunch.

Entrance to Sacred Sites and Teachings.


Cost $3100 USD 


Mexico Payment Plan:

Deposit $1000 USD

We understand that payment sometimes may be difficult upfront. Therefore, we offer a payment plan for the Mexico retreat, non-refundable deposit paid $1000USD to secure your place. Payments must be paid monthly and are non-refundable, if a payment is missed, all monies previously paid will be non-refundable.


[email protected]

If you click on payment button, you will accept our

DATES: November 1 to 8, 2024.

Osiris, the Compassionate God who bestowed all knowledge upon humans, was dismembered by his brother Seth. He was cut into 72 pieces so that later Isis could fly across Egypt. Afterward, together with her sister Neftis, they brought Osiris back to life for a single night to conceive Horus.

This myth also existed among the Greeks with the dismemberment of Dionysus, the Aztecs with Coyolxauhqui, the moon by Huitzilopochtli, and in Hinduism with Zita, giving rise to Tara.

After two years of intense research, possibly as the only one seriously studying all these traditions, I could connect them. I discovered that the dismemberment of knowledge was not only local but global. Each tradition offers knowledge, along with modern science, explaining what truly happened. Half of these are prophetic and could establish the relationships between them. Besides, knowing multiple languages helped unveil the hidden meanings. The word "Osiris" spelled backward leads to Sirius, the star, and to the iris of the eyes. What is in Osiris's spine or Spine, the part not found, giving rise to reflections? This is understood through Toltec and Mayan traditions, along with current scientific knowledge about baby reflexes.

This exciting research covered sounds, language, science, gods, various writing systems, and hieroglyphics. It aims to weave the creation's web in the place where time measurement originated, validated by Horus. Horus, derived from "Hours," marks the beginning of a new, more compassionate era for humanity. It unveils truths such as there being no Cain and Abel but a reference to the constellations Canis Major and Minor, and Bellatrix or Nimrod, the star on Orion's left shoulder, where the pyramids of Egypt and Teotihuacan are oriented.

Finally, solving the mystery, we find that the Ennead, Popol Vuh, Mahabharata, and Genesis discuss Universal creation but are complete Magic manuals. They provide perspectives on our history and solutions to life's problems. For example, they explain the philosopher's stone. Unprecedented answers include the relationship between MER-KAH-BAH, an Egyptian sacred practice, and stars like Canis Major, Canis Minor, and Bellatrix. It also explores the movement from the Universe to Earth.

So, the training begins with texts and videos on calculating your Ka, i.e., your Carbon number, the basis for understanding karma and recovering Ba or life force from Basalt. This stone, used by Egyptians to embalm organs, is river stone from volcanoes. Aztecs believed life originated in volcanoes, which scientists now associate with the emergence of RNA.

If you commit to this program, a cleansing of free radicals is required. When entering the Pharaoh's Chamber, filled with radioactive materials, your cations must rise. Instructions given to the Universe for a new order should be truly positive. These instructions will be provided to those committed to the program.

DAY 1.

Arriving in Cairo, perfectly prepared with your Ka number, you'll have a private visit to the Pyramid Chamber, understanding it as the Ennead. This will introduce you to Atum, the creator god, who created Geb (lord of the Earth) and Shu (the winds) from darkness and water. The journey will lead to Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Neftis, representing the eyes, learning to move them magically. Initiating the new order of the compassionate Sun, guided by tones, only those with this information can perform and resonate with the heavens.

DAY 2.

Arriving at Sakkara, the oldest sacred site, to separate Chaos, represented by the 'A' signifying the separation of our Carbon and radiation from the old Sun. Help will be sought from Cobras and Vultures to carry away the dead.

DAY 3.

Visiting the Valley of the Kings to learn, using wooden branches, how to extract life from the dead. There, we will sweep away the past of humanity being ruled by a group that has remained in power, oppressing others. A private visit to the temple of the mother cow Hathor follows, revealing the secrets of abundance.

DAY 4.

Flying to Luxor, we will learn about Sekhmet, the wisdom of the third eye, and explore the meaning of the Ankh, the Egyptian cross. The ceremony in Sekhmet's Chamber involves surrendering unearned life force in exchange for the greatest wisdom. This unique Sekhmet remains in its original location.

DAY 5.

Teachings continue on day 4 and day 5, including a Nile cruise. Part of the fifth day is free for optional excursions.

DAY 6.

Disembarking in Edfu, we will visit the temple to witness the battle of Horus against Seth, the king of Chaos. Initiating our battle against Horus, representing time, and visiting Ko Bom Bo for healing rituals.

DAY 7.

Under the Moon and Saturn's order (Horus), we will go to Philae for a private visit. Understanding PHY or Pi, radio, and what the Sun charges for giving life through radioactivity. The culmination will involve creating a new being from your shadow, representing Earth and water, and Isis and Neftis, representing Venus and Neptune. Energy will be directed to the temple of Osiris, creating new wise humans.

DAY 8.

With newfound knowledge of the Philosopher's Stone, rejuvenation, creation, and having initiated a New Sun, we will return the previous Sun, usurped by Ra in Babylon, and establish Shapash, the compassionate sixth Sun.


5-star hotels and Nile cruise.

Airport-hotel transportation.

Entrance to sites and private visits.


3 meals a day.

Flights Cairo-Luxor-Luxor-Cairo.

Price $6,000 USD

Payment plans are available.

Deposit $2000 (deferred to 10 months)

Itinerary subject to change.

[email protected]

If you click on payment button, you will accept our

DECEMBER 16 to 22.

Since my last experience with the Popol Vuh, an entire year has passed, marked by 11 Reed, truly extraordinary as 11 symbolizes the return of power. This power, however, only comes with knowledge to access wisdom. As a result, the new Popol Vuh experience will be completely different from the previous one, containing the richest information year I have ever lived.

The previous experience of undertaking the Popol Vuh journey led me to relate the term "PO, PO" to the term "Popocatepetl," the Po River. This river signifies the beginning of the Mexica Underworld, featuring two rivers, the North Star, Pollux and Castor (twin stars of Gemini), where one represents light and the other an animal on earth. The significance of volcanoes and the Basalt stones they emit, river stones from which RNA emerged, ties this knowledge together in the Grand Book of Maya Creation, the Popol Vuh. Adding to this, "Hu" is the Egyptian god represented by two reflecting serpents. By uniting both traditions, one discovers the true meaning of the Chac Mool.

Therefore, this journey will be very different from any undertaken before. I will start by sending instructions on certain numbers that you need to calculate to determine your "Po," equivalent to the Egyptian "Ka." These, combined, represent your Carbon and Phosphorus numbers, signifying wisdom on earth. Additionally, I will provide videos with previous explanations of the Popol Vuh so that when we arrive, we are fully prepared to live the epic that will not only change us but also activate the temples in the true way they were used to attain the return of Kukulcan or Quetzalcoatl.


We will arrive at the Seven-Colored Lagoon, hearing the Popol Vuh creation story about humans and the four types of corn. We will understand the prophetic nature of this text, realizing that we are in the third type of humanity. Moving on to the second part of the Hunab Pu and Ixbalanqué expedition, we will explore it from both a human perspective and the chemical and biological perspective of this sacred text. We will descend the cliff of the talking trees, cleansing our ears literally in the lagoon and expelling all destructive sounds accumulated by language within us. This will help us understand the relationship of joints with the four directions on our fingers and identify the challenges faced by the twins Hunab Pu and Ixbalanque: creating internal light, sacrificing those willing to be sacrificed, except for one, giving to the tigers what is dead, and seeing the world upside down.


We will travel to the archaeological site of Muyil to understand the difference between small and tall Mayan cities. Additionally, we will begin to comprehend the importance of moving the 13 main and 52 total cosmic joints to navigate our lives. We will explore paradise and, in the end, learn the art of reflections in the lagoon.


We will visit the beautiful archaeological site of Tulum, delving into the first part of the Popol Vuh, the creation that started in complete darkness and water. There, we will encounter the three creators: Ray, Shadow of the Ray, and Reflection of the Ray, corresponding to two stars and a planet, which remain undeciphered. We will understand that they exist within us in our nervous system. We will begin to learn the art of moving the body in the famous Chac Mool posture to activate the Ray, Shadow of the Ray, and Lightning within. Subsequently, we will unite with the Hurricane, representing two stars and winds (cold and hot), creating movement leading to rain—symbolizing the correct flow of things in our lives and our blood.


We will experience the marvelous play of Light and Shadow in Cochabon, observing the two pyramids representing the Temple of the Twins Hunab Pu and Ixbalanque—You and your shadow, light and darkness. Advanced lucid dreaming lessons will begin, revealing the world of iridescence where the Gods reside.


Early in the morning, we will depart from Bacalar to Valladolid to change hotels. We will then head to Yauxchapan, near Chichen Itzá, where we will learn to separate the dead from the living, pure water from contaminated, and sweep our path on the Ball Game court, representing the collapse of our soul or karma associated with Carbon. We will create new Carbon in the observatory based on the Venus or Kukulcan Count.


We will go to Mayapan, and during the Equinox, we will learn the truth about the Descending God Yam, where "Maya" comes from "Iyam," the God of Water. We will also explore the Ascending God, Kukulcan, being the only beings on Earth with the opportunity to unite them.


After practicing the art of Reflections in the hotel pool, we will head to a Cenote to experience the Rebirth of Hunab Pu and Ixbalanque as a new sun and moon. Based on the teachings received, we will become a new tonal and nahual, Sun and Moon, creating a new world and reflecting it to the entire world.

End of the epic with the intention to live and resolve the epic of life.

This journey includes teachings on rejuvenation, healing, etc., that humanity has been seeking forever.

Unique opportunity.


4 or 5-star hotels in Bacalar and Valladolid.

Breakfast and Box Lunch.

Entrance to Sacred Sites and Teachings.


COST: $3100 USD


Mexico Payment Plan:

Deposit $1000 USD

We understand that payment sometimes may be difficult upfront. Therefore, we offer a payment plan for the Mexico retreat, non-refundable deposit paid $1000USD to secure your place. Payments must be paid monthly and are non-refundable, if a payment is missed, all monies previously paid will be non-refundable.


[email protected]


Refunds Policy:

Digital Online:
All digital products are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.

Online Courses:
All online courses are non-refundable after the start date.

This corporation will not refund any amount of money from unused services acquired by the customer. The provision of services, both online and the delivery of goods purchased through our website do not admit any kind of cancelations.

Events cancelation policy: We reserve the right of postponing or cancelling any event that doesn´t have the enough number of participants subscribed, or if the ponents of such event are not able to attend for health reasons.